Categories of Members


Who shall be a person enrolled by the National Council and shall be an individual who is engaged / interested in the field of Training and Development; who is atleast 25 years of age and is a graduate of a recognised university or its equivalent. Provided further that the National Council can at its discretion reduce the eligibility age of membership of the Society by 1 year (i.e. accept persons for membership at 24 years of age) for those engaged as trainers and developers.


Which shall be a body enrolled by the National Council and shall be any Government agency, or any other body of corporation, statutory or other-wise, or any organization or any Association, whether incorporated or not, which subscribes to and is interested in the furtherance of the objectives of the Society. Each Institutional Member shall be entitled to nominate for membership benefits 2 nominees against the basic membership subscription.


Who shall be a person enrolled by the National Council and who in some manner falls short for the eligibility criteria of membership and is preparing himself for a career in the field of training and development. 18 years is the minimum age for Associate Member.


Who shall be a person nominated by National Council at the time of Annual General Meeting & shall be reporting to the AGM and who has distinguished himself in the field of training and development after working in the field for a period of at least 15 years and whose association with ISTD is considered invaluable.